There are many styles and forms of Acupuncture. Besides traditional needles, acupuncture points can be stimulated painlessly with lasers.
A Laser Acupuncture treatment is completely needle free so will appeal to all needle phobics and parents – children respond well. Most people feel no sensation whatsoever, sometimes a slight warmth.
In more than thirty-five years of research and clinical use, an adverse reaction has never been documented.
In contrast to surgical lasers, which employ much larger powers and intensities, laser therapy is customarily administered using gentle, non-ionizing radiation below the threshold of thermal damage to tissue. This may account for its excellent safety record.
The effects of laser light at low intensity, reported in the scientific literature, are:
- Tissue Regeneration (new cell growth)
- Reduction of Inflammation
- Relief of Pain
- Antiviral and Antibacterial Benefits
Juli travelled to the U.S.A. to study Light Therapy with one of it’s pioneers: David Rindge.
David has an intensive research library of over 4,000 studies and articles which can be accessed.
As a pioneer in the field of Light Therapy in the UK, Juli was consulted for the scripting of the NICE recommendations for Laser use for treating Headaches and Migraines effectively.
“I have been a patient for some years and have always been very happy with my treatment, both Acupuncture and Light Therapy, I suffer with Fibromyalgia and although initially reluctant to experience Light Therapy, have found this very beneficial, especially for my knees. I was amazed as I felt the difference immediately. I would not hesitate to recommend Juli.”
Joan, Derbyshire
I’ve always found Juli easy to be around; she has a good sense of humour and has helped me greatly with my many ailments. The laser treatment has been very effective on my knees. Acupuncture is not painful with Juli and I would certainly recommend her to anyone who is feeling stressed out.
Catrina, Sittingbourne